Contact Improvisation Labshop

From: $0.00

Currently on Hold – no dates scheduled

Groundswell’s CI Labshop is one part “CI Lab”, one part workshop.

Bring your questions, ideas, inquiries, scores, etc. and the facilitator will support the group in weaving them together in a lab like fashion!

Each Labshop will be:

  • an opening circle to share our inquiries, which the facilitator will use to inspire:
  • a mini-class and/or facilitated activities or scores to practice or explore related skills
  • another circle to harvest from the class and activities, and establish some elements for:
  • a more open ended exploratory score, lab or jam space
  • A final closing circle

The Labshop is a great opportunity for all dancers regardless of how much experience you have to explore specific concepts, skills and group scores.

Every Wednesday 6-8pm in West Asheville (Register for address)
Facilitated by CJ O’Reilly

Please be sure to review to the COVID guidelines for this event (below)

Drop in: $20
Pre-Registration: $10-20
Groundswell Members: included
Scholarships available, apply here.

SKU: N/A Categories: , , Tag:


COVID Guidelines

If you have symptoms of COVID (or other socially transmitted infections) or have a known exposure according to these guidelines, please do not join until the appropriate quarantine or isolation period has passed according to these guidelines. Your registration will be refunded upon request.

Since COVID can be spread without symptoms, regardless of exposure we encourage participants to take steps to improve their immunity to COVID-19 in order to reduce community spread to immunocompromised people.

Masks are welcome, but not required.

Additional information